Congratulations to the winners in our library-themed Haiku contest! Due to the high quality of the submissions, the judges awarded a tie for third place. Thanks to everyone who submitted a Haiku! Thanks also to our panel of judges: Nancy Boutilier, Visiting Associate Professor, Rhetoric & Composition; Jessica Grim, Collection Development Librarian; Mark Sikorski, OC ’16.
First place: Ryan Yates, OC ’16
Back to work again
Leaves of information bloom
In the April rain
Second place: Sarah Lomax, OC ’16
Pages collide, come
Forth with knowledge fit to burst
Our strained - desires
Third place (tie): Zachery Crowell, OC ’15
At wisdom's summit,
I fall and break my glasses.
Helpless, stuck in mud(d)
Third place (tie): H. Ryu, OC ’15
Lolita missing --
All copies gone. Conclusion:
Nabokov is dead