Monday, October 29, 2012
Molly Raphael '67, past president of the American Library Association, will give a public talk following the Friends of the Library Annual Dinner on Saturday, November 3rd at 8pm in the Root Room.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Studying during break?
Whether you're staying in town or traveling to distant lands during Fall Break, you can still use the library!
Check out our hours page to see when libraries are open during break.
You can get off-campus access to our online sources too -- just follow these instructions.
Be sure to have some fun during break. That's what it's for!
Check out our hours page to see when libraries are open during break.
You can get off-campus access to our online sources too -- just follow these instructions.
Be sure to have some fun during break. That's what it's for!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Books!! Stock up at the Public Library sale!
The Oberlin Public Library fall book sale runs from October 17-21. All subjects and sizes - most items only $1 or $.50!
Sale Hours:
Sale Hours:
October 17: 5:00p - 8m (Friends Pre-Sale)
October 18, 19, 20: 10a-8p
October 21: 1p to 3:30p
Oberlin Public Library
65 South Main Street
If you want to get a jump on the best buys, join the Friends of the Oberlin Public Library.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Extended hours for mid-terms
The A-Level study lounge and lobby and Scholar Studies will remain accessible 24 hours starting tonight and continuing through the beginning of spring break. The whole building will close at 3 pm on Saturday, October 20.
We hope you leave and get some sleep this week, but if you need to study beyond 2 am (or 10 pm on Friday), these areas are at your disposal!
If you're hanging out in Oberlin for Spring Break, check out our hours.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
"Claiming the Oriental Gateway" -- a talk by Shelley Lee
Join the Friends of the library for a talk by Shelley Lee, Associate
Professor of Comparative American Studies and History: "Claiming the
Oriental Gateway: Seattle and Japanese America, 1900-1942" on Wednesday, October 17th at 4:30pm in Moffett Auditorium.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Plug in, power up!
Over the years, library users have asked for additional power outlets in the Academic Commons, particularly in the collaborative seating area (the tables near the Reference collection). During the summer, we were able to DOUBLE the number of outlets in that space, bringing the total number to 12. Now each table grouping has an outlet. We're happy to provide additional power for all your "stuff" -- laptops, tablets, mobile phones, mp3 players. Tell us what you think!
Monday, October 08, 2012
Have a question? Text us at 440-775-7898
The library is now offering a text message service as one of many ways to contact a librarian. Text your questions to: 440-499-7898 (7TXT). Cell phone carrier charges may apply depending on your plan.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Oberlin's past: elections, voting, and civil rights
Currently on display in the Academic Commons in Mudd is a fascinating collection of materials from the Oberlin College Archives and the Library Special Collections Department depicting Oberlin's history in connection with elections, voting, and civil rights. The exhibition is sponsored by the Student Friends of the Oberlin College Library and was assembled by Margaret Brennan '14 and Mariko Wakayama '15.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Obama vs Romney: watch Wednesday's debate in Azariah's!

Monday, October 01, 2012
Celebrate your freedom to read ... pick up a Banned Book!
Banned Books Week (Sept. 30-Oct 6, 2012) is the national book community's annual celebration of the freedom to read.
Have you read any banned or challenged classics? We invite you to check out the Banned Books Week exhibit in the Academic commons, and use the bulletin board to share your memories, impressions, thoughts, etc. about any of the banned/challenged books that you’ve read — whether you loved them, disliked them, or felt indifferent.
Please feel free to discuss any banned or challenged book, even those that may not (yet) be considered classics. You can also share your thoughts via Facebook or Twitter (use #BannedBooksWeek)!