Monday, October 31, 2011
It's almost "crunch time!"
Don't fret! Your friendly librarians are here to help relieve a bit of your academic stress by helping you get a good start on your research. Sign up for a research appointment with a librarian! We can help you plan a search strategy, find books, articles, quality web sites, and more resources for your tough research projects. There are lots of other ways to get help, too.
Don't let "crunch time" crunch you!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Jefferson's Architectural Books Exhibition

The exhibit coincides with the campus visit of Mark Dimunation, Chief of the Rare Books and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress, who has worked to rebuild the entire collection of nearly 6,500 volumes in Jefferson’s library. The Jefferson architecture collection exhibition will be in the Academic Commons on the main level of Mudd Center from October 26 to November 11.
Digital Collections Down for System Upgrade
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Open Access week Oct 24-30
Oberlin College was proud to be among the earliest adopters of an open access policy for Oberlin faculty and staff scholarship. Click for more on this initiative and to search the Open Access Repository.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Going abroad? Learn a foreign language with Mango.

With a focus on practical conversation for common situations, Mango teaches basic language skills travelers can use to successfully navigate a new country, seek out authentic cultural experiences, and engage in polite conversation. Mango offers self-paced, online tutorials for all major European languages, plus around 30 others, including Arabic (Levantine), Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Czech, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. (Arrr, me hearty... not to mention Pirate!) Plus, there are 15 English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) packages to help foreign language speakers learn English. (Available as a one-year pilot project thanks to a federal IMLS/LSTA grant received by the State Library of Ohio.)
Labels: databases
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Cleveland Plain Dealer archives now available!

Monday, October 17, 2011
Study break tonight!
Oberlin Public Library Book Sale
Oberlin Public Library, 65 S. Main Street
Thursday Oct 20 from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
A huge selection -- thousands of great books, including children’s books, cookbooks, fiction, history, mystery, home school resources, reference books and more.
Most items priced at $0.50-$1.00!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Manage your research with Zotero

When: Thursday Oct 13th, 4:30-5:30pm
If you have questions, email Jen Starkey, Reference Librarian at
Scavenging in Mudd
Friday, October 07, 2011
Thursday, October 06, 2011
New Semester = Great New Library Materials
Geek Fest! @ Azariah's Tues 10/11 4-5:30

Tech geeks and book nerds alike will want to be there!
This is a FREE, LOW-KEY, DROP-IN event! Visit as few or as many tables as you wish and earn tickets for the PRIZE DRAWINGS! Oh, and there will be SNACKS!
• Check out some cool mobile library apps
• Find out what was in the New York Times on the day you were born
• Learn how you can set up and maintain an online catalog of your own book collection
• Hear about the Winter Term course in letterpress printing
• See what Summon is all about — and how it works
• Join the Student Friends of the Library and get a preview of the upcoming book sale
• Meet the friendly Writing Tutors
And much more!
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Electronic Journal Center disruption
Sadly, this means we won't have access for a few hours. On the bright side, when they're finished, the EJC will be more stable than ever!
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Did you miss the book talk by Wendy Call '90 ?
The Friends of the Library recorded her talk as well as the lively questions and answers that followed:
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Borrowing from Ohio Public Libraries
Announcing….borrowing from SearchOhio Public Libraries
update: 10/4 -- This is not yet working as advertised! Searches that start in OBIS and are passed through to OhioLINK are currently missing the SearchOhio search option. Searches that start in OhioLINK usually offer the SearchOhio option, although you may need to restart the browser or clear the browser history to get it to display. Technicians are working on the problem!!
Beginning on October 3, the collections of 19 public libraries will be available to OhioLINK users, like yourselves, using the same routines you use now to request materials from OhioLINK. Here are some deets (or read our all the gory details):
How do I make a request?
From the OhioLINK central catalog, you’ll see a SearchOhio icon which will pass current searches through to the SearchOhio catalog or allow you to search the catalog directly. Choose “Request this title” to have available copies delivered here for your use. Currently, you can only have items delivered to Oberlin; you may have OhioLINK materials delivered to any OhioLINK library, but this is not true for SearchOhio materials.
After you’ve requested the item, you can track its progress on your library record the same way you track OhioLINKs, at
How long may I keep the material?
All SearchOhio materials made available for loan, except DVDs, circulate for 3 weeks, with up to 3 renewals, unless another user needs them. DVDs circulation for 1 week, with up to 3 renewals.
What are the fines for overdue materials?
All SearchOhio materials are fined at a rate of $0.50/day. Fines start accruing the first day the material is overdue – no grace period.
What will it cost if I lose the item?
All SearchOhio materials cost $25 to replace. You’ll be charged this if the item becomes 30 days overdue.
Which public libraries are included:
Some of the largest public libraries in Northern Ohio are participating. The complete list is
Akron-Summit County Public Library
Cuyahoga Falls Public Library
Delaware County District Library
Greene County Public Library
Kent Free Library
Louisville Public Library
Mansfield Richland County Public Library
Massillon Public Library
Massillon Askren Branch
Massillon Belloni Branch
Mentor Public Library
Portage County District Library
Reed Memorial Library
Rodman Public Library
Stark County District Library
Toledo-Lucas County Library
Wadsworth Public Library
Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
Youngstown & Mahoning County Public Library