Welcome Classes of 1961 and 1986!

News from the Oberlin College Library
Check out this collection of important linguistic materials relating to the Ojibwe, from an Oberlin-based 19th century missionary, Sela Wright, who spent many years with the Ojibwe in the Red Lake area of Minnesota. The Sela G. Wright Digital Collection at Oberlin College is a joint project of The Center for Research Libraries (CRL), Oberlin College Archives, and Oberlin College Library.
Due date -- from Wikipedia:
A due date may refer to:
Or, at Oberlin, the date by which most books, scores, and government publications are to be returned! So what should you do if you still need your books?
We know that many of you are still using these materials, and you should feel free to keep using your material through reading period and exams. Remember that special due dates still apply to reserve materials, periodicals, recalled items, interlibrary loans, OhioLINK materials, and other short-term loan items, and you will be responsible for fines if the items are returned overdue.
If you're finishing an incomplete, you can keep the books until you're finished with them. Please complete a Request for Summer privileges form, and after we've processed it, renew your books.
If you're a returning student who's remaining in Oberlin for the summer, you're welcome to claim summer borrowing privileges and check out books. Please do renew any materials you'd like to keep for the summer, after we've processed your summer privileges request form. We will hold your enrollment for fall semester if you don't return or renew the materials that you have checked out and that are due before the end of the semester.
Do you want to check on what you currently have checked out and when it's due? Just access your account at http://obis.oberlin.edu/patroninfo/
Do you have other questions about end-of-semester policies and procedures? Check out our FAQ, or contact any circulation supervisor for advice.
Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions about your library account or our policies! Best of luck in the final days of the semester!
Allison Gallaher
Head of Circulation
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