That's, when you find an article in any OhioLINK

database, just follow the

link. If we don't own a copy here, and a full-text copy isn't available, choose the
Get a copy via Interlibrary Loan link. This sends you to our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request manager,
ILLiad. Once you've logged in or created an account, the article request page opens with all of the information from the article citation you selected filled in on the form. Check it and submit, and you'll not have to type a thing!
For books, the

link takes you to the OhioLINK central catalog, and there's not currently a way to direct you on to our ILL service, but you are also welcome to request loans of books, dissertations, scores, and recordings through ILL if the items you need aren't available at Oberlin or within OhioLINK. You'll just have to type it yourself when you make your request. Enjoy!