Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Work with us this summer or next fall!
Summer (some summer jobs may lead to employment in the fall!):
Audiovisual Equipment Assistant
Interlibrary Loan Assistant
Serials Assistant, Main Library
Reference & Academic Commons Assistant
Fall (jobs usually last all year):
Science Library Circulation Assistant [no longer accepting applications]
Art Library Student Assistant
Conservatory Library-Circulation Desk
Monday, April 21, 2008
Hey Folks! Come hear Joe Hickerson, OC '57
Joe Hickerson '57, folksinger, songwriter, and former Folk Music/Culture Librarian at the Library of Congress, will discuss vintage folk music and play examples from the Library of Congress Folk Archive and a few vintage Oberlin College recordings from the 1950s.
The talk will be in Mudd 113 from 4 to 5pm.
Reception to follow in Azariah's Cafe!
This event is sponsored by the OSCA, Student Friends of the Library, and the Mellon Librarian Recruitment Program.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Shansi exhibit in Main Library

Check out the fascinating exhibit 100 Years in the Life of Oberlin Shansi on the main level of Mudd. A series of panels depicting the history of Shansi from its founding in 1908 to the present day are accompanied by three cases filled with interesting cultural artifacts, memorabilia, and travel documents. Also included are numerous photographs from all decades of Shansi's programs at different sites in Asia. The exhibit is one of many events planned for Shansi's centennial celebration.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Check out 19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Oberlin College Commencement, occurs August 24th and 25th
The Daily Cleveland Herald, (
You can read all about the event when you search the 19th Century U. S. Newspapers database. (keyword"
19th Century
Friday, April 04, 2008
Academic Commons just keeps getting better
Labels: Academic Commons
What DID the Library Acquire in March?
New Art Exhibit in Azariah's

trans-masculine self-representations: images of identity
Azariah's Cafe April 4 - 28, 2008
Exhibiting the work of eddie gesso, Melsen Carlsen and Cobi Moules, each of whom explores identity through diverse visual media.
This project displays the ways in which individual artists use self-representations as a means of exploring negotiating trans-masculine identities. In addition, this project works to place these images in a social and artistic memory by presenting works in a public forum, and recording this exhibit in print form. By focusing on self-representations, this project centers gender identity formations and the ways in which discourses of gender shape artists' patterns of representation.