Thursday, May 18, 2006

It depends what you mean by due.....

So May 18 is the official due date. What does that really mean?

First, if you are still using any semester-loan books, scores, or government publications to complete your finals -- just keep them and return them when you are finished. Unless it is an item that gets fined (OhioLINKs, reserves, recalled materials), there is no penalty for returning these books a couple of days late.

Our semester-loan policy for most books, scores, and government publications requires us to pick A DAY for all of these materials to be due. As of this morning, there were more than 7,000 items checked out to students from the Main Library alone. We really don't want them all returned to us today!! We're happy to accept them any day this week. Return early and often. Check out our library hours to know when we're open.

And if you need materials beyond the end of the semester, see our policy for extended privileges.

Questions? Contact me anytime!

Allison Gallaher
Head of Circulation


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