10 Million Unique Titles and Counting
OhioLINK Library Catalog hit the 10,000,000 "unique titles" mark this month, with the addition of Mexican Modern: Masters of the 20th Century, essays by David Craven and Luis-Martin Lozano. It was added by The Ohio State University Libraries. The OhioLINK catalog includes more than 45.5 million books and other items from 84 member libraries around the state. Imagine shelves laid end to end, full of books, videos, scores, recordings, and other items stretching from Columbus to Portland, Maine, and you'll have a good idea of how many shelves are required to house 45.5 million items. A veritable treasure trove at your fingertips! Best of all, much of it is available to be requested and shipped to Oberlin's main library for your use. [Read more at OhioLINK's What's New].

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