Message received: NO BEIGE!

The furniture samples under consideration for the Academic Commons now found on the Main Level of Mudd have elicited many useful comments from students. Please keep in mind that the color of the samples is not representative of the color scheme that’s planned for the commons. We're aiming for a colorful decor that has various kinds of modern furniture, like the comfortable orange slice chair (pictured here!) which we plan to use in the cafe and current reading area. We'll be posting more information in the display area on the main level of Mudd to give everybody an idea of how the furniture selections are progressing
Labels: Academic Commons
I think it is a misrepresentation to use the picture of the chair in your blog. I am not sure where the picture comes from but it is way more interesting than any of the samples you showed. They are all pretty bad designs.
Actually if you read the posting again, you'll see that the orange slice chairs are slated for use in the cafe area. :)
Stay tuned for more furniture news here and in the lobby of Mudd.
Can you guys please consider just keeping the old computer desks? They seem in perfectly good shape, are comfortable, provide large areas for putting papers and, naturally, already exist so don't require any resources unlike a new desk... you know climate neutrality.
The current desks are going to be re-used in various places around the library.
Will you also keep the new blue fuzzy chairs that are now by the periodicals? Those are my favorite!
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